Thursday, February 24, 2011

Orb in a Void

Fire in my skin,
burning away the flesh.

Fire in my skin,
seeping down to bone.

Fire in my skin,
boiling the blood.

Fire in my skin,
reaching to my eyes.

My cold husks of eyes.
My burnt black eyes.
The ember lights their shell,
Patch of yellow,
Orb in a void.
Surrounded by black;
By burnt, decaying windows.

- you guessed again


  1. You sure have a lot of original poems! Have you been writing poetry for a long time or is it this class that is inspiring you now?
    You use really strong imagery this piece. I'm overwhelmed with yellow, orange, and black when I read it.

  2. My mother's a poet, so I've been...around it, for awhile now, but I didn't start seriously writing until last year.
