Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Just a head's up to the "masses" following this...

I don't write the poetry for others.
I don't write the poetry for fun.
When it happens, it happens.
It hasn't.
As long as this monotonous phase in my existence continues,
the poetry won't.
No inspiration
No poetry
One pent up irritated person.
Just as irritated with myself for not writing
as I am at not having anything worth writing about.
So...there. Done.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Trademark Glow

She's lost her trademark glow;
I'm not the only one to notice,
and with her extinguished
under the soggy soil of
ambiguous animosity,
the roads darken to tar.

She was the last lantern,
the last streetlight
carving a path through the darkness
and without her trademark glow,
I develop night blindness
and a fear of dark trails.

Lost in the woods,
and if that foreshadow's not enough,
fighting under a full moon.

When was the last time I ran?
I cannot remember,
it seems to have been an eternity
since last I've slipped my skin.

To run,
to chase,
a light shone through always,
a target,
a telltale glow,

The darkness brings a strange comfort,
I hear the voice of a familiar friend.
Without light there is no reason,
no constraint,
only chaos,
and those who would take advantage thereof.

I feel the night,
heed the call...

run free under a full moon,

because there is no telltale glow to follow.


Crying for a Stillness

awaiting the executioner's blade
with a relish not often found
outside of a wolf hungering
for a fresh killed rabbit,

staying awake long enough
to see the stars transpose themselves
to the hallays and the doors,

bending to accomodate
the evacuation of bone
and of sinew,
squirming in their own
unrehearsed dance,

bowing down before time,
waiting for exposure
to an ending,

crying for a stillness.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Fire consumes skin,
that's all it's ever been good for.
It rushes down limbs
igniting flesh,
charring bone.

Spread it around.


Monday, May 16, 2011

Just Enough

You may understand,
you may comprehend,
you may even have
the slightest sense of empathy.

It changes nothing.

Until you hear your bones
scream that they want out
of your tight skin wrapped box
you do not talk of pain.

Come and free me,
come and bite our legacy
into my flesh
so that it may carve out
a new being of my body;
a new form of my soul.

When they run free they will have peace.
When they engorge themselves on passion
they will be home.

When I am no longer the enemy,
when my own skeleton is no longer a cage,
then shall I find bliss.

Never before.

If only I could not smell the distance between us.
If only my hackels would stay slicked back
when my thoughts turn to you.
If only my spine would stay still around you,
instead of arching in a blind panic.

But my bones remain a prison,
and only one of my kind has a key.

Find me my brothers,
Find me my sisters,
Find me my pachmates
lost in the sea of the world,
and open my marrow cell.

Find me, so I may change,

just enough to stay the same.


Friday, May 13, 2011

Shedding Like a Dog

she'll be someone's light
and here I sit
shedding like a dog
panting away
my heartless moments


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Gift

you can feel it can't you?
they can,
they always have.
it was born in you the second
you graced the Earth.
it's a gift,
no doubt;
one wrapped in bone and flesh.
you have to tear through it,
you see,
to get the prize;
to claim your birthright.
you can feel it now
mind ripping of the skin
and prodding at tense muscle.

it never stops.

you'll always feel the gift.


Monday, May 9, 2011

Fire in the Sky

Fire in the sky,
you'd think I'd be talking of the sun.

I watched the boy die.
My lady done it;
I know that
better than most.
Aint got a complaint though,
nobody whines about my woman.
She does her thing;
reaps them hearts
like the sickle she is.

She turns them hearts into rivers.
Heard him screaming this time.
Blood pumping out,
right through the hole in the side there.
Flows mighty far.

Fire in the sky,
you'd think I'd be talking of the sun.

Yeah, my girl's got herself a temper.
Must be why I love her so much;
couldn't stand me a woman
that just stand there letting things go.
No I reckon I prefer myself a girl
that'll smack me good 'f I deserve it.
Wild eyes always get me.

Fire in the sky,
you'd think I'd be talking of the sun.

But I aint.
No sir, I talk about heart,
I talk about love before speaking of
stars and whatnot.
Sun's just a cosmic spark,
but my girl here,
she's my true light.
Can't see well without her,
no, lordy no,
not after she give me them new eyes.

Sickle shaped eyes.

Fire in the sky,
you'd think I'd be talking of the sun.

Form fits function,
and my eyes
reflect her fury,
and her fire,
and her form.

Sickle shaped eyes.

Don't worry babe,
I always follow my heart first.

Fire in the sky,
you'll wish I was talking of the sun.


Friday, May 6, 2011

chewing off skin
like it meant anything
to anyone at all
and spitting it out onto the lawn
hoping perhaps this time
it will sprout,
leaving little people pods in its wake

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Name Like This

blood will be spilled as surely
through the knife digging at my heart
as it was to inscribe the name
onto the hilt, and onto my hide

the name you can't read
echoes off my chest
and spirals onto my arms
carving its path
as confidently a cleaver

the name forgotten by all but us few

you cannot read it
you cannot see it
you cannot feel it

surely as we can feel it;
felt it run through our souls
felt it skewer our minds,

a name like this,
penned only in blood
uttered only in fire

a name like this,
hollow as a mountain
powerful as emotion

cannot be chained to rationality

you cannot read it
you cannot see it
you cannot feel it

the name forgotten by all but us few


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Legacy Awakens

they writhe under my skin
like worms in the muck
after a rainstorm,
squirming to get out onto the sidewalk

burrowing down from my brain
they've taken my bones;
want new bones,
stronger ones

hands in my back
always pushing
waiting for the day
I sprout wings

six wings,
three pairs,
one for each;
laying claim
to my skeleton
and what it is to become

not long now
before muscle follows bone
and skin follows sinew
a year or two, tops
before legacy awakens
and a man can sprout wings
from the hands in his back
